It's A Miracle!
Well, it wasn't exactly today, but who cares about silly details like that.
Anyway, it was around 10+ the other day, and I'd just added the Testimonials board to the blog, and I linked Zy, and she told me the entire navigation bar was gone. I panicked, of course, because the blogger template code is so troublesome and once you fuck up you spend ages trying to find out what you did wrong. So I checked immediately. But the site was perfectly fine for me. I told her that, and she refreshed about 8 times, and still nothing - the entire navigation area was a blank for her. So I tried asking a few other people to check out the site (as they will be able to testify), and it was fine for them too. This was really strange. Why would the same site look different for one person, and one person alone? At first, I was inclined to think that IE was screwing up the layout, but I opened IE to check, and it was fine for me. And then it hit me - OUR BENEVOLENT ALL-FATHER PATRICK WAS SENDING ZY A SIGN! Immediately, I got her to take screenshots of this miraculous phenomenon, and I started sending out emails to the various experts on the subject. They were all (predictably) absolutely dumbfounded.
So we pondered long and hard about what Patrick could be trying to tell us, and we soon realised the significance - the navigation area was a blank, completely empty. Patrick is saying that with Bloggology, EVERYONE gets a clean slate! In Bloggology, we believe there is no hell, no punishment, no empty, easy words, only solid, concrete actions to prove Patrick's infinite benevolence and wisdom. No matter who you are, no matter what you've done, no matter what a mess you've made, Patrick is waiting with pudgy arms flung wide open and a big silly grin on his face. He only wants to embrace you for who you are; who he created you to be. Patrick does not discriminate. He loves all his children equally, whether they believe in him or not. He wants us all to go to him because we love him and because we love what he stands for, not because we're afraid of death or because we need someone to send us answers during our exams. None of it matters to Patrick. He just wants to wrap his squishy pink arms around you and chortle delightedly. HAIL PATRICK - MAY HIS PUDGY PINK ARMS NEVER GROW BONY AND HIS VACANT STARE NEVER FALTER!
And now, I shall end this sermon-post the only way it deserves to be ended, should be ended and will be ended - with a bang.
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